Sunday, May 20, 2012

The 3,000 Giveaway Winner

I'm excited to announce the winner of the 3,000 Giveway! 

Thank you so much to everyone who entered. I'm so appreciative of your willingness to share something so deeply personal.  

And the winner is...drumroll please...

Audrey Brynja!

Here is Audrey's wonderful response to the question "What does photography mean to you?"

I love finding new techniques to use behind the camera and in Photoshop to create conceptual images that wouldn't ever be possible in real life. I want to make dreams come true, through my photography. You can levitate, you can grow wings, can stop time and combine to two worlds, and we can do anything we want through photography. The possibilities are endless and nothing is impossible, that’s what I love about it. :)

I think as humans we tend to get too caught up in our daily routines to stop and enjoy simple life pleasures that surround us every day. I want happiness to be a part of everyone’s lives and I also want them to know that they have the freedom to do whatever they want with their lives. I want everyone to feel like they have control of their own lives in knowing that "anything is possible”.

I absolutely love being a photographer because my job is to capture the emotions from those special moments so that we can remember them for years to come. I want to inspire others and make them realize the life that they have.

Audrey, please email me at by the end of the day on Tuesday, May 22, 2012 for more details and next steps. 

Wednesday, December 21, 2011

Heather | Lexington Fashion Photographer

It's been such a very long time since I've updated my blog. I hate it when life gets in the way of everything I want to do. But FOUR MONTHS is just way too long and I've no really solid excuses. I hope to begin updating things a couple of times per month, as well as to get a little more in-depth with questions and answers, post-processing techniques and more.

With all of that said, I'm so excited to share a little bit about my most recent session with the stunning Heather. Heather and I have known "of'" one another for years, having graduated from the same high school and sharing a few mutual friends. It wasn't until a few months ago that I came to her about working together. While we were both excited about the idea, the stars apparently weren't aligned. She was living in Florida for school and my life was hectic (in fact, I can remember email her from my hotel room as I was out of town for a business trip). All of those months passed without our paths crossing. A few weeks ago, though, Heather informed me that she was traveling back to Kentucky for the Holidays and the planning began!

While the end of December is never an ideal time for any outdoor photographer, sometimes we're faced with a decision; be cold or be without our craft. Needless to say, I chose my camera over the safety of my fingertips. Heather was such a good sport as well, wearing next to nothing (but looking fabulous, despite the cold).

Things just sort of fell into place for this shoot. The outfits weren't planned until the night before, the hair was pulled together be yours truly and the makeup applied by Heather. But for some reason, it totally worked.

We went for a more dreamy, storybook feel for these shots. Something a bit romantic. Believe it or not, these we actually shot at a tiny neighborhood park about thirty seconds from my house. It doesn't look like much, but it photographs as though it's in the middle of a forest.

I've always wanted to bring an animal into a shoot, so we decided to start small. Literally. Fufanu is my little Pomeranian (one of four dogs), although I seem to think he looks more like a fox. He was such a good sport for these. However, I made the mistake of ignoring he while we snapped a few more, and before I knew it, he had disappeared. It took about an hour for him to return. Lesson learned. Dogs need leases. Duh. 

I had a total blast getting to know Heather as well. She is one of the sweetest and most easy-going girls I've ever met. Not to mention the fact that she's absolutely stunning. I mean, gorgeous! I can't wait to work with her again. 

I hope you guys enjoy these. If you have any questions, feel free to ask! Thanks for stopping by!


Fufanu getting ready for his modeling debut! Look at his crooked little teeth!

Canon 7D, Canon 85mm 1.8

Canon 7D, Canon 85mm 1.8

Canon 7D, Canon 85mm 1.8

Canon 7D, Canon 85mm 1.8

Canon 7D, Canon 85mm 1.8

Canon 7D, Canon 85mm 1.8

Canon 7D, Canon 85mm 1.8

Canon 7D, Canon 85mm 1.8

Canon 7D, Canon 85mm 1.8

Canon 7D, Canon 85mm 1.8

Canon 7D, Canon 85mm 1.8

Canon 7D, Canon 85mm 1.8

Canon 7D, Canon 85mm 1.8

Canon 7D, Canon 85mm 1.8

Canon 7D, Canon 85mm 1.8

Canon 7D, Canon 85mm 1.8

Canon 7D, Canon 85mm 1.8

Canon 7D, Canon 85mm 1.8

Canon 7D, Canon 85mm 1.8

Canon 7D, Canon 85mm 1.8

Canon 7D, Canon 85mm 1.8

Canon 7D, Canon 85mm 1.8

Canon 7D, Canon 85mm 1.8

Canon 7D, Canon 85mm 1.8

Canon 7D, Canon 85mm 1.8

Canon 7D, Canon 85mm 1.8

Canon 7D, Canon 85mm 1.8

Canon 7D, Canon 85mm 1.8

Canon 7D, Canon 85mm 1.8

Canon 7D, Canon 85mm 1.8

Wednesday, August 24, 2011

Ally H. | Lexington Fashion Photographer

I've always had a soft spot for the contemporary blend of commercial and fashion photography. Although I've never quite had a taste for the really off-the-wall stuff, I'm embarrassed to admit how much time I spend browsing through Urban Outfitters and H&M catalogs. Something about the relaxed, natural feel of their images and candid shots are so intriguing. While I know as well as the next photographer that these shots are probably meticulously planned, woefully selected and painstakingly edited, it never seems to be too forced. They make life seem perfect and fun, without sorrows or troubles. There's something magical about that. 

Now, perhaps it's just some strange, unnatural though process that my mind manages to sneak it's way through to come to a conclusion like that, but I can't help but feel wishful and optimistic when I see gorgeous back-lit images of stunning models in fabulous clothing. Then I promptly pull out my credit card and rack up a bill from here to San Francisco on said clothing. Okay, not really. But I will admit, I'm almost always tempted.  

It's these reasons I found myself anxiously awaiting my opportunity to give this style of photography a try. Something a bit more edgy, with warm light and a stunning model. Life seemed a little more complete when I met Ally. While it took a little bit of time to warm up to the idea, she finally agreed to model for me. Thinking back, it probably wasn't nerves at the idea of being behind the camera. It was probably the strange girl she hardly knew basically begging her to come out to a remote location to model. Maybe I should reconsider my approach...

Ally seriously is amazing. Not only is she absolutely breathtaking, but she is so kind and gentle as well. She has a heart of gold, and I think my favorite part of the experience was getting to know her a little bit more. She was so willing to try just about anything I asked, including suffer through some unbearable heat and humidity. While I've used this location before, the vibe Ally brought made it seem like a completely different world. Seriously...this girl rocks!

I'm in love with this set of images and I can't wait to work with Ally again. My mind is going crazy with new ideas. I love trying new things and meeting new people. I couldn't ask for a better job! 

Be sure to check out the full resolution images on flickr at and on facebook at  Thanks, all!  

All images were taken with a Canon 7D + Canon 50MM F/1.4, then post-processing performed in Adobe Photoshop CS4.